Strategic Mapping

Strategic Mapping sessions are designed to provide the clarity and direction needed to navigate business challenges and achieve your goals. Let’s work together to unlock your business potential and create meaningful impact. 

What this Strategic Mapping Session will give you:

Clarity of Mission, Vision, and Values: Gain a deeper understanding of how you want to show up for yourself, your business, and your customers. This foundation will guide all of your decision-making.

A Clear Roadmap: Develop a detailed plan for the next 3-6 months (and beyond) so you and your team can hit the ground running.

Relief and Focus: Experience the relief of knowing you have a clear pathway to success, and that you don’t have to do it all by yourself.

Navigating the complexities of business growth often feels like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Decision-making can be random and ineffective without a solid strategy based on hard facts. You might get lucky, but a deeper dive into your business to establish priorities is far more reliable… and effective. You may know where you want your business to go, and have worked through the puzzle of “how” but are trying to implement everything simultaneously but are spinning your wheels and are at a standstill. Or maybe you have your high-level vision in place but no idea how to implement it and make all the pieces come together. 

This is where I come in. 

Using the Strategic Mapping™ Model, we will identify who needs to do what – because we know you can’t do it all, nor should you! – and figure out the crucial steps to make it happen. Through a series of three sessions, we will create a comprehensive map for your business over the next three, six, or twelve months. Strategic mapping offers the clarity, direction, and planning you need – the first and crucial step you need to get your business on track. 

Strategic Mapping Model Overview

Clarity and Alignment

We work together so you are crystal clear on your values, mission, and vision as a leader.

Discovery and Organization

We break down the seven foundational pillars of every business. We talk through all of the things that you have in your mind and start to organize and systemize each task and vision into a timeline.

Relief and Focus

We review your new CEO Hub for annual, quarterly, and monthly planning. This new tool will allow you and your team to implement these new strategies with ease and confidence.